Kubernetes in Enterprise:
Container Management Reimagined
What has Kubernetes done for your organization?
In partnership with Chronosphere, DZone recently surveyed IT professionals - ranging from software developers to architects - to better understand how containers are being used.
This year’s 2022 Kubernetes Trend Report uses survey data to explore how teams are deploying Kubernetes, the tools they’re using to manage applications, maintenance pain points and more.
“Even when building from a stable platform, it turns out that it's very difficult
to establish an abstraction that successfully hides the messy world of real
hardware, real networks, and real storage.”
Some resource considerations in the report:
✔️ The State of Resource Isolation and Container Orchestration
✔️ The Promise vs. Performance of Kubernetes
✔️ What Runs (Well) on Kubernetes Clusters
Learn more in the report.
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